Tickets For August 18 & 19 On Sale March 28 — Durango Blues Train

TICKETS FOR MAY 29, 30, 31 & AUGUST 21, 22, 23 ON SALE NOW

Tickets For August 18 & 19 On Sale March 28

Just announced! Tickets for the Durango Blues Train on August 18 & 19 will go on sale Tuesday, March 28 at 10:00 a.m. Tickets will be available online here, or over the phone at (888) 512-7469. Purchasers must be 21 years old to participate. Tickets are $100 per person per night, plus a 7% Historic Train Preservation fee. Set your calendar reminders - tickets are limited, don't miss out! Tickets for June 2 & 3 are on sale now, with Saturday night already sold out.
“We’re excited to continue the seven-year legacy of the Blues Train” said Steve Gumble, founder of the Durango Blues Train. “It’s nice to have a 2nd set of train dates to look forward to. We have another top-notch bill of artists set to play this one-of-a-kind event”. The artist lineup for August will be released on Thursday, March 30th at 11:00 a.m.
For more info, click here.