Info — Durango Blues Train

TICKETS FOR MAY 29, 30, 31 & AUGUST 21, 22, 23 ON SALE NOW

About the Durango Blues Train

Welcome Aboard

The Durango Blues Train is an exciting 3.5 hour moving musical experience providing three consecutive evenings of live blues. The event features six live blues performances on board the Historic Durango & Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad’s coal-fired, steam-powered train traveling through the spectacular and breathtaking canyons of the San Juan National Forest.
Each artist performs in their own vintage coach, while passengers are free to dance their way from coach to coach and delight in a variety of musical performances. Four coaches have seats while two are open with no seats to entice and encourage dancing. Enjoy the blues, award-winning craft beer, wine and the beautiful scenery of the famous train featured in the Hollywood production, “Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid."
To cap it all off, passengers will experience breathtaking sunset views along the "Highline," a world famous section of the railroad, as the train crawls along craggy cliffs 400 feet high above the Wild Animas River, known to be the most beautiful section of the Durango & Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad.

About the Train

You don't have to be a blues fan to enjoy yourself, the train itself is an amazing experience.
The town of Durango was founded by the Denver & Rio Grande Railway in 1879. The railroad arrived in Durango on August 5, 1881 and construction on the line to Silverton began in the fall of the same year. By July of 1882, the tracks to Silverton were completed, and the train began hauling both freight and passengers.
The line was constructed to haul silver & gold ore from the San Juan Mountains, but passengers soon realized it was the view that was truly precious.
This train has been in continuous operation for over 130 years, carrying passengers behind vintage steam locomotives and rolling stock indigenous to the line. Join us for two magical weekends of blues on the historical Durango & Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad.