Blog — Durango Blues Train

TICKETS FOR MAY 29, 30, 31 & AUGUST 21, 22, 23 ON SALE NOW

2025 Tickets On Sale Now

2025 Tickets On Sale Now

Tickets for the Durango Blues Train on May 29, 30, 31 and August 21, 22, 23, 2025 are on sale now! Tickets are available online, click here to purchase. Tickets are $159 per person per night, plus a Historic Train Preservation fee. Tickets are very limited and will sell out in advance. Get yours early and don't miss out!

Announcing The 2025 Artist Lineup

Announcing The 2025 Artist Lineup

The onset of summer in the mountain town of Durango, Colorado inches a bit closer with the announcement of the artist lineup for the Durango Blues Train on May 29, 30, 31 and August 22, 24 & 25, 2025. The Durango Blues Train is excited to kick off it's 13th year rockin' and rollin' aboard the the historic Durango Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad with Chase Walker Band, Eric Heideman, Brody Buster, Delta Sonic Duo, Joce Reyome, and 100lb Housecat for the May train and Grant Sabin Trio, The Lucky Strokes, Felix Gato Peralta, Hymn For Her, CW Ayon Duo and Lightweight Travelers for the August train.

The 2025 Dates Are Here With Two Weekends

The 2025 Dates Are Here With Two Weekends

Two Weekends - May 29, 30, 31 and August 21, 22, 23, 2025. All aboard! The Durango Blues Train is back and will once again take the rails for a moving musical journey. Join us for an exciting musical adventure aboard the historic Durango & Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad’s steam-powered train through the spectacular and breathtaking canyons of the San Juan National Forest. The Blues Train features live performances inside the train coaches with a festive environment. Each artist performs in their own vintage coach, while passengers are free to dance their way from coach to coach. Four coaches have seats while two are open with no seats for dancing. Enjoy an evening on the rails with some of the world's best craft beer and wine along with spectacular scenery.

2024 Durango Blues Train Info

2024 Durango Blues Train Info

The Durango Blues Trains are this weekend and we have all the info needed to get you ready for the musical experience of a lifetime! Check out the info guide about wristband exchange, weather, parking, travel, schedule, lodging, and on-board refreshments. All aboard!

The Menu - August 22, 23 & 24 Blues Train Food and Drink

The Menu - August 22, 23 & 24 Blues Train Food and Drink

Ice cold brews, breathtaking views, tasty food and blues music! The beer lineup and food menu for the Durango Blues Trains on August 22, 23 & 24 are here! The menus will feature tasty brews from our award-winning brewery and cider partners Ska Brewing, Telluride Brewing Company and Fenceline Cider, along with wine, soda and light snacks from Serious Texas BBQ.

The 2024 Artist Lineup Is Here

The 2024 Artist Lineup Is Here

The onset of summer in the mountain town of Durango, Colorado inches a bit closer with the announcement of the artist lineup for the Durango Blues Train on August 22, 24 & 25, 2024. The Durango Blues Train is excited to kick off it's 12th year rockin' and rollin' aboard the the historic Durango Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad with Alastair Greene, Ben Rice & The PDX Hustle, Levi Platero, Jesse Cotton Stone, Joe Waters and Marcus Trummer.

Thank You For Another Great Year On The Durango Blues Train

Thank You For Another Great Year On The Durango Blues Train

What a weekend with exceptional energy, incredible performances and dance moves. As the Durango & Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad pushed north out of Durango with blues music echoing from car-to-car we couldn’t help but showcase big grins. Thank you to all of our artists, staff, partners and most importantly the loyal attendees that have made this unique event so special since 2011. Cheers and we’ll see you next year on August 22, 23, 24, 2024.

Info Guide For The 2023 Durango Blues Trains

Info Guide For The 2023 Durango Blues Trains

The 2023 Durango Blues Trains take place this weekend and we have all the info needed to get you ready for the musical experience of a lifetime! Check out our info guide with helpful details about wristband exchange, weather, parking, travel, schedule, lodging, and on-board refreshments.

The Menu - August 22, 23 & 24 Blues Train Food and Drink

The Menu - August 22, 23 & 24 Blues Train Food and Drink

Ice cold brews, breathtaking views, tasty food and blues music! The beer lineup and food menu for the Durango Blues Trains on August 24, 25 & 26 are here! The menus will feature tasty brews from our award-winning brewery and cider partners Ska Brewing, Telluride Brewing Company and Fenceline Cider, along with wine, soda and light snacks from Serious Texas BBQ.

2023 Ticket Waitlist And Exchange

2023 Ticket Waitlist And Exchange

We’ve partnered with Lyte to give our attendees an official way to get or return passes after they sell out! This is a fan-to-fan exchange that eliminates the worries of purchasing a fraudulent ticket from a scalper, Craigs List or third party like Stub Hub. Looking for sold out tickets? Request a ticket now and as soon as tickets are available, Lyte will complete your purchase automatically at the price offered, with no hidden fees. You will only be charged if Lyte finds you tickets. Bought tickets and can’t make it to the Train? We know that plans change. Return your ticket to Lyte and receive a fair market offer. Lyte will then re-sell your ticket to another fan.

2023 Tickets On Sale Now

2023 Tickets On Sale Now

Tickets for the Durango Blues Train on August 26 & 27 are on sale now! Tickets are available online, click here. Tickets are $139 per person per night, plus a Historic Train Preservation fee. Tickets are very limited and will sell out in advance. Get yours early and don't miss out!

The 2023 Artist Lineup Is Here

The 2023 Artist Lineup Is Here

The onset of summer in the mountain town of Durango, Colorado inches a bit closer with the announcement of the artist lineup for the Durango Blues Train on August 24, 25 & 26, 2023. The Durango Blues Train is excited to kick off it's 11th year rockin' and rollin' aboard the the historic Durango Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad with Levee Town, Tyron Benoit Band, Rachel Ammons No Man Band, Arbuckle & Woods and Joe Waters.

Durango Blues Train Returns This Summer On August 24, 25 & 26, 2023

Durango Blues Train Returns This Summer On August 24, 25 & 26, 2023

All aboard! We're back! The Durango Blues Train is thrilled to announce that it will once again take the rails for a moving musical journey on August 24, 25 & 26, 2023. Join us for an exciting musical adventure aboard the historic Durango & Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad’s steam-powered train through the spectacular and breathtaking canyons of the San Juan National Forest. The Blues Train features six live blues performances inside the train coaches with a festive musical environment. Each artist performs in their own vintage coach, while passengers are free to dance their way from coach to coach. Four coaches have seats while two are open with no seats for dancing. Enjoy an evening on the rails with some of Colorado's best craft beer, cider and wine along with spectacular scenery.

Thank You For A Great Return To The Durango Blues Train!

Thank You For A Great Return To The Durango Blues Train!

The return of the Durango Blues Train was overwhelmingly joyous! As the Durango & Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad pushed north out of Durango with blues music echoing from car-to-car we couldn’t help but showcase big grins. After two long years it was so special to return with exceptional energy, incredible performances and countless smiles. Thank you to everyone who attended, worked and partnered with us to make the event such a success. Stay tuned for 2023 dates and ticket information coming soon.

The Menu - August 25, 26 & 27 Blues Train Food and Drink

The Menu - August 25, 26 & 27 Blues Train Food and Drink

Ice cold brews, breathtaking views, tasty food and blues music! The beer lineup and food menu for the Durango Blues Trains on August 25, 26 & 27 are here! The menus will feature tasty brews from our award-winning brewery and cider partners Ska Brewing, Telluride Brewing Company and Fenceline Cider, along with wine, soda and light snacks from Serious Texas BBQ.

2022 Lyte Ticket Exchange And Waitlist

2022 Lyte Ticket Exchange And Waitlist

We’ve partnered with Lyte to give our attendees an official way to get or return passes after they sell out! This is a fan-to-fan exchange that eliminates the worries of purchasing a fraudulent ticket from a scalper, Craigs List or third party like Stub Hub. Looking for sold out tickets? Request a ticket now and as soon as tickets are available, Lyte will complete your purchase automatically at the price offered, with no hidden fees. You will only be charged if Lyte finds you tickets. Bought tickets and can’t make it to the Festival? We know that plans change. Return your ticket to Lyte and receive a fair market offer. Lyte will then re-sell your ticket to another Telluride Jazz Festival fan.

Third Night Added - Thursday, August 25, 2022

Third Night Added - Thursday, August 25, 2022

Tickets for the August 26 & 27 sold out faster than we could have imagined. We are grateful for your overwhelming support after a two year hiatus - thank you!

For those who missed out on getting tickets, we hear you and we are thrilled to announce the addition of another evening on the Durango Blues Train on Thursday, August 25, 2022! The artist lineup and schedule for the Thursday Train will be the same as the Friday and Saturday Trains. Tickets for this new Thursday Train will go on sale next Tuesday, April 5 at 10 am (Mountain Time).

2022 Tickets On Sale Now

2022 Tickets On Sale Now

Tickets for the Durango Blues Train on August 26 & 27 are on sale now! Tickets are available online, click here. Tickets are $139 per person per night, plus a Historic Train Preservation fee. Tickets are very limited and will sell out in advance. Get yours early and don't miss out!