June Tickets Now On Sale — Durango Blues Train

TICKETS FOR MAY 29, 30, 31 & AUGUST 21, 22, 23 ON SALE NOW

June Tickets Now On Sale

Tickets for the Durango Blues Train on June 2 & 3 are on sale NOW! Tickets are available online, click here, and by phone at (888) 512-7469. Tickets are $100 per person per night, plus a Historic Train Preservation fee. Tickets are limited and will sell out in advance. Purchasers must be 21 years old to participate.Tickets for August 18 & 19 will go on sale later this spring. 

The Blues Train is an exciting 3.5-hour moving experience of live blues on board the coal-fired, steam-powered train through the breathtaking canyons of the San Juan National Forest. The Blues Train features six live blues performances inside the train coaches with a festive musical atmosphere. Each artist performs in their own vintage coach, while passengers are free to dance their way from coach to coach. The Blues Train follows the same format as years past, with nine historic passenger cars, a steam-engine locomotive, two full bands, four solo/duo acts and three craft beer and wine bars. The artist lineup will be announced in the coming weeks.

"There’s something magical that happens when you combine blues and a steam train but there’s so much more to it than just that. It is an unforgettable experience that you will remember for a lifetime", said Steve Gumble, founder of the Durango Blues Train. "Each year, the train grows in popularity. Last year, tickets sold out in record time and we anticipate the same happening this season."

To cap it off, passengers will take in spectacular sunset views along the "Highline," a world famous section of the railroad, as the train crawls along craggy cliffs 400 feet high above the Wild Animas River, known to be the most beautiful section of the Durango & Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad.

Refreshments will be available for purchase on board. Guests can enjoy light snacks, bars with wine and craft beer from award-winning regional brewery partners Telluride Brewing Company and Ska Brewing.