RL Cole — Durango Blues Train

TICKETS FOR MAY 29, 30, 31 & AUGUST 21, 22, 23 ON SALE NOW

August 17 & 18, 2018

Train Boards - 6:30 pm | train departs - 7:00 pm

RL Cole is a well-seasoned veteran of the stage, and has performed both nationally and internationally with some stellar acts, and is now as a power-house solo performer. His first EP, "The Long Darkness of the Night" was released independently in 2013, followed by the release of a full length Folk-Blues album, "Live from Cherryvale" in 2015. His music and story-telling has always rattled us in the best way possible, and now he's ramblin' around, performing ditty's from his newest album, "Money For the Milkman".