Molly Gene - One Whoaman Band — Durango Blues Train

TICKETS FOR MAY 29, 30, 31 & AUGUST 21, 22, 23 ON SALE NOW

August 16 & 17, 2019

Train Boards - 6:30 pm | train departs - 7:00 pm

Molly Gene One Whoaman Band has been performing solo for the past decade, recording and issuing albums (six to date), and organizing endless tours that eventually got her noticed in Europe.

Finally, after touring Europe and recording a live disc in Switzerland she came home to roost a few years ago, but continued to ramble. All of this is not that atypical except for the particular musical species that Molly Gene has cultivated.

Her sound is a raucous, bluesy map of her journey so far.

Keeping her music and her lifestyle simple and self-contained, she planted her flag on the edge of the blues — as close to soul as to rock as possible — and created what she calls Delta Thrash.

Before Molly Gene took on her unique delta thrash sound, she started out playing folk music. She claims that Bob Dylan was the reason why she even picked up a guitar in the first place, 16 years ago. Below is one of Molly Gene’s newer songs she wrote titled, “I’m On My Way”. She plans to release this song on her seventh album this coming year, 2019.